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Study by Verse

Bible study is one of the most important spiritual disciplines to develop and to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus. The entire Bible is an interwoven story that describes God’s plan for humanity and His rescue of humanity, through Jesus’ sacrifice, to restore our relationship with God. Every word is true, and the more you study it, the more convinced you will become that God loves you and has a plan for your life. He has written everything you need to know about the purpose of your life and how to live it out. The Bible is a treasure waiting for you to uncover it. Regarding God’s words: “They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.” (Psalms 19:10)

This section is not yet an exhaustive Bible study and commentary on the entire Bible. It is a start, to prompt you in your own search for the wisdom and insight found in the Scriptures. We are continually working on expanding and improving these notes. For even deeper insight into the immeasurable wisdom in God’s Word, we recommend that you study the Bible yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to impart wisdom to you. Without the Holy Spirit’s influence, you will have knowledge but you will not have wisdom, and the words and concepts in the Bible will not have the power to change your life. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit lives in us and is always available to breathe life into these living words. For additional help in your personal Bible study, see the references and resources section of our website for a comprehensive list of Bible study tools.

The plan with this section of the website is to be adding content weekly, as a life-long endeavor to learn more about God’s plan for our lives and His limitless character.

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