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Matthew 23

The Pharisees can be likened to today’s “religious” people.  These are the type of people that act holy on the outside, but their hearts do not belong to God.  They are out to serve themselves, judge others, and make rules and regulations to live by, rather than allow the Holy Spirit to guide them.  The rules they make are very hard to follow, which turns them into slaves to their laws, rather than giving them the freedom to love God by serving Him.  Religious people (Pharisees) do everything purely for others to see.  They look holy, but their actions are completely self-serving.  Jesus sternly warned against these types of people.  We need to be careful that we do not set up rules and regulations pertaining to our own walk with Jesus, and impose them on other people.  

Jesus openly warns the Pharisees and law followers that while they condemn people to hell, they themselves are in no way going to enter heaven.  In verse 15, Jesus makes a bold statement that when the Pharisees convert a person, they are condemned twice as much because of the yoke of rules and regulations they put on a person.  They teach new converts to follow man made laws, and disregard God and the Spirit.  Likewise, in today’s church, we want to remain walking in the Spirit, not walking by the law.  If we are under the law, we will have a heavy burden, and it will be impossible to follow God’s ways.  But remember this from earlier in Matthew 11:29-30: “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

You can almost hear Jesus growing in anger and judgmental fervor towards the hypocrisy of the Pharisees.  Then, as His anger reaches its zenith, He stops and retracts to a place of gentle, lovesick mourning, like a mother for her wayward children who won’t return to her loving embrace (v. 37). This is beautiful and it is good news for us!!  Interestingly, Jesus appears quite condemning and angry with the Pharisees. This is because they were leading people astray from the heart and love of God.  It says in John 3:17: “God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.”  Ultimately, Jesus did not rebuke anyone who He was not willing to die for; He died for the Pharisees just the same as He died for you and me.

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