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Matthew 19

Jesus clarifies His stance on divorce.  Scripture says that when a man and a woman are married, they are joined as one flesh.  Jesus confirms that the couple is now joined together by God, and that no man can separate them.  He lets them know that although Moses allowed for divorce, it was not because that was God’s original intention for marriage.  Jesus explains that because of the hard hearts of the Israelites, Moses needed to institute certain civil laws (see Deuteronomy 24:1-4).  These laws were mainly to protect women, who were very vulnerable without a husband to support and protect them.  God takes a very clear stance on divorce: “‘I hate divorce,’ says The Lord God of Israel...” (Malachi 2:16).  When problems arise in marriage, remember that a commitment made before God is one that should not be taken lightly.  Husbands and wives should focus their efforts on how they can work out their problems and stay together, rather than considering divorce.

Jesus tells His disciples not to hold the little children back from coming to Him.  This scripture shows His heart for children, and is an example of what our hearts for children ought to be: one of love and acceptance.  He also states that the Kingdom of God belongs to such children.  This means that His Kingdom is full of people who take Him at His word and follow Him with abandon, like children do.  

Here we have the story of the rich young ruler, who followed all of the commandments, and “did” everything by the law.  But when Jesus asks him to sell everything and follow Him, the ruler goes away sad because he was very wealthy, and he was not willing to give up his earthly treasures for Christ.  This parable is particularly important to Americans, or citizens of other developed nations, who generally have a lot and enjoy our abundant wealth.  We all have so much in comparison to the rest of the world.   Each and every one of us is actually considered rich when compared to the extreme poverty in the majority of the world.  We need to be careful and continually ask God to show us any areas where we value material things over our walk with Him.  In verse 24 He warns us that “…it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”  However, we can still have hope, for He states that with God’s help it is, in fact, possible to do this!  We need to make sure we place our faith in Jesus. The way to eternal life is simple: follow Him! Praise the Lord!

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